
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
I find these also cause SIGTRAP: some_value / 0 UInt(Double(some_value) / Double(0)) UInt(-1)
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Instead of free(&bufferlist), I need to call free(bufferlist.unsafeMutablePointer). Found here.
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2 Replies
Here is the official doc - It is pretty easy to be found. However, since this question was asked two years ago, I don't know if it was the case at the time. Or, you had already found this, but it turned out obsolete and didn't reflect how your Xcode server actually behaved. I am new to Xcode Server Bots, and seeing this question left not replied for two years kind of scares me. I am now hesitating on whether I should spend time on getting it run. You know, if the doc is deprecated or outdated, my time will be certainly wasted.
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26 Replies
Confirmed on Instruments Version 11.4 (11E146).Anyone got a workaround?
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19 Replies
Same here.Because it is pretty hard to debug enterprise-signed package, it took me two days to find this thread.Thx for let me know that I am not the only one.